Editor-in Chief declare that electronic versions of articles are compatible with paper (original) versions.
- Tomasz Błachowicz, Viacheslav Andreychouk, Krzysztof Domino:
Random walk analysis of cave maps for exemplary gypsum caves-mazes of Western Ukraine
- Elżbieta Cebulak, Piotr Gębica, Danuta Limanówka, Leszek Starkel, Robert Pyrc:
The role of orographic barriers in the origin of extreme rainfalls as exemplified by the front of high Eastern Himalaya and the low northern slope of Carpathians
- Olav Slaymaker: A global perspective on denudation data, primarily specific sediment yield in mountainous regions
- Aaron Yair, Ram Almog, Youval Arbel: The hydrological role of biological topsoil crusts and water repellency in sandy dry-land areas
- Francesca Romana Lugeri, Piero Farabollini, Nicola Lugeri : New tools for an integrated vision of the territory: “LANDSCAPP”
- Józef Szpikowski, Mikołaj Majewski, Wojciech Madaj: Conditions for soil erosion by water in the upper Parsęta catchment
- Vincent Viel, Monique Fort, Candide Lissak, Kevin Graff, Benoît Carlier,
Gilles Arnaud-Fassetta, Etienne Cossart, Malika Madelin: Debris-flow functioning and their contribution to sedimentary budgets: the Peynin subcatchment of the Guil River (Upper Queyras, Southern French Alps)
- Jolanta Święchowicz: The assessment of influence of soil erosion by water in the transformation of agricultural slopes of the Wiśnicz Foothills
- Małgorzata Kijowska-Strugała, Krzysztof Kiszka: Environmental factors affecting splash erosion in the mountain area (the Western Polish Carpathians)