Geoecology of the Eurasiatic Alpides
Guest Editors: Adam Łajczak (Sosnowiec, Poland), Elżbieta Rojan (Warszawa, Poland)
Landform Analysis, vol. 11, 2009 - Published by the Association of Polish Geomorphologists, ISBN 978-83-921088-5-6, ISSN 1429-799X
Editor-in Chief declare that electronic versions of articles are compatible with paper (original) versions.
Adam Łajczak, Elżbieta Rojan:
Katarzyna Dąbrowska:
The morphogenetic impact of the bora type wind (19thNovember 2004) on the relief of Danielov dom area (The High Tatras)
Maciej Dąbski:
Early stages of weathering of glacially-abraded limestone surfaces as determined by various Schmidt hammer tests; Biferten glacier forefield, Glarner Alps (Switzerland)
Emil Gachev, Alexander Gikov, Cvetelina Zlatinova, Bozidar Blagoev:
Present state of Bulgarian glacierets
Marcin Guzik, Paweł Skawiński:
Applying geomathics to determination of landscape altitudinal zones in the mountains
Peter Jančura, Martina Slámová, Lucia Hrčková, Boris Beláček:
Downhill courses as significant landscape structure of the High Tatras Mts., Slovakia
Adam Łajczak:
Changes in relief of the Azau Valley in Central Caucasus Mts resulting from impact of volcanic activity and glaciers’ oscillations during the last 1100 years
Elżbieta Rojan:
Natural environment predispositions of north-western Pamirs towards development of contemporary morphogenetic processes
Tomasz Zielonka, Natalia Dubaj:
A tree-ring reconstruction of geomorphologic disturbances in cliff forests in the Tatra Mts.
Zbigniew Zwoliński:
The routine of landform geodiversity map design for the Polish Carpathian Mts.
Copyright © 2009 by
The Association of Polish Geomorphologists
, Poznań
Last updated: April 6, 2010